Pax Wesley Zahnd
Monday, November 13, 2017
7 pounds, 0 ounces, 20 inches
This sweet baby boy came into our lives swiftly. Monday morning I was scheduled for a sonogram and non-stress tests to check on his well being since we'd gone past his due date. After all the tests that morning my doctor came in and said, "You're having a baby today!" According to the sonogram he didn't have as much movement as they like to see. Not a huge threat but not something to ignore. I did have the option to come in again for another morning of tests the next day. Truthfully, I was ready to meet my baby boy. I knew my body was ready too.
Of course I hadn't planned to have a baby that day so I had nothing packed with me. But I wasn't concerned. From my previous experience I learned you really don't need much besides an outfit and a carseat to take a baby home.
I called Aaron as I was walking out of the doctor's office, "We're having a baby today." He was a little shocked, but I mostly heard excitement in his voice, "Okay. Wow. We're having baby today."
From there everything moved pretty quickly. About two and half hours after they broke my water it was time to push. My doctor was able to deliver him and my sister-in-law was there as the nursery nurse. It was the best labor and delivery experience. All of my babies have had their own unique stories and Pax's was marked with it's own special moments.
It was only a few pushes and he was here. In reflection upon that moment Aaron said it all happened so fast there wasn't a moment to be emotional. He was already there.
This is the the good part. My favorite part. That moment when they hand you your baby. That sweet baby you've known for 9 months, but now you know them anew. Holding that newborn baby on my chest. Feeling the weight of them in a whole new way. That moment is what makes me want a dozen more children.
The next moments and day were filled with love. Family coming to welcome this baby boy to the world. Hugs, kisses, smiles, and so much happiness.
It's been nearly a month since Pax was born. Every day I am thankful for him. His pregnancy, labor, delivery, and his presence in our lives has been a gift.
Pax means peace. Wesley means meadow. This tiny baby boy has been just that, a peaceful meadow, to me and to this family.
Psalm 23. "God, my shepherd, I don’t need a thing. You have laid me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from."